T3 Create your first Blueprint Mod
- Unreal Engine 4.25.4
- recursively cloned version of our ArgonSDK#Repository
YT Example¶
An example demonstrating the creation of a simple mod which executes a console command
Parts related to mod loading at the end of the video are outdated!
Working directory¶
You may create mods and maps anywhere in the Content\Mods
Historically, the default directory for Mod Actors is Content\Mods\AgMods\<ModName>\<ModName>.uasset
If you stick to this naming scheme, you don’t have to specify any asset when adding a Mod Marker (#2. Create a Mod Marker).
Pak batch script provided in this tutorial also targets this base directory by default Content\Mods\AgMods
1. Create a Mod Actor¶
- In the
Content Browser
window, create and enter a new directory, then right click and create a new Blueprint asset - Select
as base class when prompted.
- Name it as desired. Don’t use spaces
2. Create a Mod Marker¶
A Mod Marker is required for the mod loader to detect your newly created actor. You can use a single Mod Marker to tag multiple actors.
- Right-Click and create a new Data Asset (
Miscellaneous -> Data Asset
) of classDA_ModMarker
- You can leave the default filename or pick something else (e.g.
- Open the Data Asset and add your ModBase actor to
Mod Actors
You can omit this step if you’re using this base directory and naming schemeContent\Mods\AgMods\<ModName>\<ModName>
- the
field is currently unused, in the future it may be displayed as part of the tooltip in main menu
3. Mod Settings¶
Open the Mod Actor asset (MyFirstMod
). A new window should open with a list of properties
When inside the Blueprint editor, click on Class Defaults
to view and edit these settings.
General Settings¶
Ignore Duplicate
and Mod Version Repl
Ingame Mod Menu Widgets
specifies a map of widgets to be displayed as tabs during a match. See #In-Match UI
Mod Loader Settings¶
Flag | Description |
Silent Load | Don’t show Loaded *** Version.. message during a match |
Online Only | Only Unchained |
Host Only | Only offline play or on an Unchained Server |
Allow on Frontend | Load only on the Frontend map (main menu). Mod is instantly enabled when toggled |
Clientside | Mod will load on the client only (Unchained and TB MP) |
4. Hello World¶
Let’s print something
1. Open the Mod Actor (MyFirstMod
2. Click on Open Full Blueprint Editor
if only the class defaults are visible
3. Right-Click and add a Show Local Chat
node (wrapper for ClientReceiveLocalizedChat
4. Connect it to the Parent:BeginPlay
Now as soon as the mod actor is loaded (spawned), our message will be displayed in the chat
5. Cooking and PAKing¶
See Introduction#Loose vs Packaged assets for general description.
Option A1: Cook and Package in UE4 Editor¶
1. Locate ModPackerWidget
in Content/Scripts
directory and run it (Right Click -> Run
2. Change the output directory
- You can set it to the Chiv2 Paks
directory. A running client will block pak replacement
3. Click on Find
to locate mod markers, Cook
if necessary
Options A1 and A2 support content replacement.
Any assets placed in _Content
subdirectory inside a mod’s folder will be saved as TBL/Game/...
Option A2: Cook and Package with Python script¶
The Widget Blueprint in #Option A1 Cook and Package in UE4 Editor is a wrapper for the build.py
script located in ArgonSDK/Scripts
The script can be called manually for a more streamlined packaging process.
Supported functions are: cook
, pak
Default values¶
Open the script in a text editor and set following paths valid for your setup.
This step is optional but it will let you omit some parameters when calling the script
PROJ_PATH_DEFAULT = 'M:/chivmodding_i/SDK/ArgonSDK/TBL.uproject'
UE4_PATH_DEFAULT = 'H:/epic/UE_4.25/Engine/'
OUTPUT_DIR_DEFAULT = 'M:/chivmodding_i/SDK/ArgonSDK/Scripts'
usage: build.py cook [-h] [uproject_path] [ue4_root]
positional arguments:
uproject_path path to .uproject file
ue4_root path to ue4 ("H:/epic/UE_4.25/Engine/")
usage: build.py pak [-h] mod_name [mod_dir] [dest_dir] [uproject_path] [ue4_root]
positional arguments:
mod_name Name of the mod (resulting pak) (or comma separated list)
mod_dir mod directory, base directory (ends with /) or comma-separated list. defaults to "/Game/Mods/AgMods/<mod_name>"
dest_dir Output directory. Will be created on spawn
uproject_path path to .uproject file
ue4_root path to ue4 ("H:/epic/UE_4.25/Engine/")
Single mod: python build.py pak DripSync
will create DripSync.pak
from source in /Game/Mods/AgMods
Multiple mods (these commands yield same results):
$ python build.py pak DripSync,ModMenu /Game/Mods/AgMods/DripSync,/Game/Mods/AgMods/ModMenu
$ python build.py pak DripSync,ModMenu /Game/Mods/AgMods/
$ python build.py pak DripSync,ModMenu
Mod "DripSync": "/Game/Mods/AgMods/DripSync"
27 files added to "M:/chivmodding_i/SDK/ArgonSDK/Scripts\DripSync.pak"
Mod "ModMenu": "/Game/Mods/AgMods/ModMenu"
36 files added to "M:/chivmodding_i/SDK/ArgonSDK/Scripts\ModMenu.pak"
Option B: Cook and Package with a Batch script¶
This method is suitable if:
- Your mods are located in Content\Mods\AgMods\<ModName>
directory (naming not important)
- Your mod has no asset replacements (e.g. Heraldry replacement)
- Locate build.bat in
- Edit your local file and set
set "CHIVALRY_PATH=I:\Epic Games\Chivalry2_c\TBL\Content\Paks" set "UE4_PATH=I:\Epic Games\UE_4.25\Engine\Binaries\Win64"
Optionally create a shortcut and set CHIV2_LAUNCH_LNK
variable to launch the game with -l
set "CHIV2_LAUNCH_LNK=I:\Epic Games\Chivalry 2 - EGS.url"
3. Run the script using following syntax:
build.bat <ModName> -c -l
: also cook the project
: launch game after paking
e.g. build.bat DeathRecap -c
followed by build.bat ModMenu -l
to cook both and launch afterwards
The script will create a new output directory underArgonSDK\Scripts\Paks
are produced
It also copies the output .pak file to your Chivalry 2’sPaks
Option C: Cook and package manually¶
- Save your assets and click on
File -> Cook Content for Windows
to start the cooking process.
- It may take a while to cook the entire project when cooking for the first time.
- A large number of errors not related to your mod actor may appear in the logs. These are expected as we’re dealing with a bunch of dummy assets. It should not influence your mod actor.
- Resulting (Cooked) assets are written to
- Refer to ArgonSDK Wiki and use
ArgonSDK Wiki:Step 2: paking
6. In-Match UI (Optional)¶
You can register multiple widgets that will load together with your mod. These will be displayed in the Pause menu.
The button in upper left corner toggles menu visibility.
To add a new tab widget, create a Widget Blueprint of class IngameModMenuBaseWidget
and add it together with desired name to the field in #General Settings