ST WeaponDesc DataTable
Dataview Tables (chunked)
TABLE WITHOUT ID Key, SourceString
FROM csv("Data/ST_WeaponDesc.csv")
Regular Markdown Table
Key |
SourceString |
AxeDesc |
A sturdy one-handed axe |
CudgelDesc |
A short club sidearm |
DaggerDesc |
A thrusting sidearm designed to kill |
KnifeDesc |
A short cutting blade used as a last resort |
HatchetDesc |
A short wood axe repurposed for the battlefield |
ShortswordDesc |
A quick lightweight sword |
SwordDesc |
A balanced one-handed sword |
OilPotDesc |
A clay pot that shatters on impact to ignite the area or target in flames |
BrazierDesc |
A placeable fire source for igniting arrows and bolts |
BearTrapDesc |
A foot crushing trap that causes knockdown when triggered |
BarricadeDesc |
Deployable barricade that helps control the battlefield |
PaviseShieldDesc |
Deployable mobile cover that helps reload in the open |
HealingBannerDesc |
A plantable banner that heals nearby allies over time |
SpikeTrapDesc |
Deployable spike that damages enemies who are collide with it at speed |
BandageKitDesc |
A supply of bandage kits that can be thrown to allies to heal them |
QuiverDesc |
Fully restocks all ammo |
BandageDesc |
Use it to heal yourself on the battlefield |
SuppleCrateDesc |
A mobile supply of weapons and ammo |
TrumpetDesc |
A rallying blare boosts health regen of nearby allies for a time |
LightShieldDesc |
A light shield with low durability but strong throw and jab damage |
HeavyShieldDesc |
A heavy shield with unmatched durability but low throw and jab damage |
MediumShieldDesc |
A medium shield with balanced durability, throw, and jab damage |