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ST WeaponPerks DataTable

Dataview Tables (chunked)

TABLE WITHOUT ID Key, SourceString
FROM csv("Data/ST_WeaponPerks.csv")

Regular Markdown Table

Key SourceString
Heavy Heavy
SturdyDesc Increased stamina negation on block
Sturdy Sturdy
FlimsyDesc Reduced stamina negation on block
Flimsy Flimsy
HeavyDesc Increased damage, longer release
Light Light
LightDesc Reduced damage, faster release
Quick Quick
QuickDesc Faster windup
Slow Slow
SlowDesc Slower windup
Murderous Murderous
MurderousDesc Increased special damage
Aggressive Aggressive
AggressiveDesc Faster combo times
Hacky Cleaving
HackyDesc Faster, stronger overheads
Sidearm Sidearm
SidearmDesc The lightest class of weapon with the shortest reach and lowest damage
Thrusting Thrusting
ThrustingDesc Faster, stronger stabs
Thwack Thwack
ThwackDesc Basic attacks stop on contact
Slashing Slashing
SlashingDesc Faster, stronger slashes
WellBalanced Well balanced
WellBalancedDesc Faster recovery
Unbalanced Unbalanced
UnbalancedDesc Longer recovery
ShieldBreaker Shield breaker
ShieldBreakerdesc Bonus damage to shields
Defensive Defensive
DefensiveDesc Slower combo times
AmmoNumPerk {0} Ammo
PercentBonusPerk +{0}% BONUS
ShieldDamage Shield Damage
AddedPercentagePerk +{0}%
PenetrateDesc Projectiles penetrate through destructible objects
Penetrate Penetrate
LowImpact Low Impact
LowImpactDesc Does not interrupt opponents on hit
Bastion Bastion
BastionDesc Reduced stamina consumption when blocking
GoodOnHorses Good on horses
GoodOnHorsesDesc Specialised for mounted combat
Cumbersome Cumbersome
CumbersomeDesc Slower reloads and aiming
HeavyImpact HeavyImpact
HeavyImpactDesc Projectiles deal increased damage to objects
Versatile Versatile
VersatileDesc Stabs deal cut damage
PartialThwack Partial Thwack
PartialThwackDesc Slashes and overheads stop on impact
AntiCavalry Anti-Cavalry
AntiCavalryDesc Special attack is especiallty effective against horses