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LoadingHintsDescriptionsStringTable DataTable

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Regular Markdown Table

Key SourceString
DuringAttackDrag During an attack, you can adjust the aim and speed of your swings by dragging your mouse or right joystick.
AimAroundParries Try to aim your strikes around your opponent\'s parry.
Riposte Attack immediately after a block to perform a riposte, which is a faster attack that also blocks all incoming strikes for a time.
AltAttackSurprise Use {AltAttack} to alternate your attack pattern and surprise your opponent!
JumpToDodge Use {Jump} while walking backwards or sideways to perform a small dodge.
TeamDamage Use stabs and overheads near teammates to avoid hitting them!
ChainAttacks Chain attacks together by attacking again before your current attack completes.
AttacksCancelled Attacks can be canceled in windup phase, before they begin dealing damage. Press {CancelAttack}.
WeaponDamageRelease Your weapon deals damage while it is in Release phase.
VulnerableRecovery You are vulnerable during the recovery phase of attacks and cannot attack or parry.
FeintingMissingStam Feinting, parrying, jumping and missing attacks all cost stamina.
HeavyAttacks Heavy attacks deal more damage and allow you to mix up the timing and range of your strike, especially when feinting from a normal attack.
DuckEnemyAttack You can duck an enemy attack by crouching and looking down or up. Press {Crouch}.
FeintAttackWindup You can feint an attack in windup with {CancelAttack} to trick your enemy or to parry instead.
ChangeAttackDirection Press {AltAttack} to change the initial direction of any melee swing.
WASDIsFeet Think of your left hand as your feet and your right hand as your hips, turn into your strikes!
Initiative2 When you land a strike or block successfully, you have the timing advantage, so keep the pressure on by comboing!
TurningTipParry Keep the tip of the enemy\'s weapon in the middle of your screen to successfully parry.
GroupAttacks Attack as a group to make it easier to capture objectives!
Counter Attack from block with an attack that matches your opponents strike type BEFORE it hits your block to counter.
WindingUpCancel When winding up, {Parry} will cancel the attack and begin parrying.
ActivateBattlecry Charge into battle screaming! Activate your Battlecry by pressing {BattleCry}!
SelectClass Press {SelectClass} to change your class and weapons while in a match.
ToggleCamera Press {ToggleCamera} to switch between 1st and 3rd person camera.
OverlayDefaultControls Press F1 or navigate to the controls sheet in options to display an overlay of the default controls while in-game.
BlockProjectiles Only shields can block arrows and bolts, but thrown weapons can be parried by any weapon. Shields can even block projectiles when on your back if you\'re clever enough.
EnemyCowardThrow Is your enemy running away like a coward? All weapons can be thrown with {Throw}!
DownedEnemies Killing downed enemies is an effective way to pad your score and help your team!
CrawlWhileDowned Crawl to safety or fight back to your feet if downed, you can be revived and rejoin the battle!
ReviveTeammates Revive downed teammates for a score reward and to bolster your numbers after a clash.
ShiftToFocus Press {SHIFT} for focused aim while drawing the bow, crossbow or siege weapon.
BrokenShields Shields can be damaged and broken. Hit them hard.
PickUpWeapon You can pick up any weapon you see on the battlefield.
ItemsUsedAsWeapon Some Items in the world can be picked up and used as a weapon.
SpecialAttackBlock Special attacks will stagger a blocking opponent, leaving them unable to riposte
ArrowTravel Arrows take time to travel. Lead your target by aiming where they will be, not where they are.
CounterFeints You can feint a counter attempt if you make a mistake or your opponent changes their attack type
Initiative When you take a hit or get blocked your opponent has the timing advantage, so block, evade or jab to recover!
DamageFallOff A projectile will do less damage to targets further away.
ArrowDrop Arrows will drop as they travel, aim up or down to adjust the range of your shot.
DrawBow The longer you draw your bow, the more powerful the shot.
HoldingDrawStam Holding an arrow drawn will cost you stamina.
CounterTip A succesful counter negates the knockback and stamina loss on blocks
EatingFoodDesc You can also heal by eating food items found in the map. Eat by battlecrying while holding food.