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T2 Create a Free For All Map (FFA)

1 Requirements

2 Introduction

In this tutorial, we will create a simple FFA Map Using Sublevels (More info: UE Docs: Sublevels)

We will create 2 Sub-Levels:

  • Atmospherics (reusable)
    • Lights, Sky
  • FFA
    • Spawner


Splitting the level into these parts will allow you to reuse atmospherics in other levels, thus saving time when you’re just exploring. Alternatively you can create a single Level containing all actors in this tutorial

3 Atmospherics Level

3.1 Create a new Level

  1. Navigate to Content/Mods directory in `Content Browser
    Pasted image 20231030162414.png
  2. Create a new folder within and open it

    (Right ClickNew Folder or using the CTRL+N shortcut)

  3. Create a new Level and give it a name (e.g. Example_Atmospherics)

    Right ClickLevel (Open the level after naming)


    Upon opening, your editor will look like this:
    Pasted image 20231031002747.png

    3.2 Add lights and fog to your Scene

    1. In the Place Actors frame, search for and drag following actors into your scene
    2. Directional Light
    3. Sky Light
    4. Exponential Height Fog
    5. Sky Atmosphere
    6. Sphere Reflection Capture


  4. Activate Atmosphere/Fog Sun Light for the Directional Light in Details window

    Pasted image 20231030164948.png


This allows you to adjust sun’s position with by moving your mouse while holding CTRL+L

3.3 Reduce fog scattering (Optional)

  • Set Directional/Fog Inscattering Color to (almost) black for the ExponentialHeightFog actor

    Pasted image 20231030231041.png

  • Increase Fog Height Falloff to 0.6 or more

3.4 Use a folder to organize actors (Optional)

Within the World Outliner, select all actors and move them to a separate folder.

Right ClickMove ToCreate New Folder

Pasted image 20231030172109.png

4 FFA Level

4.1 Create a new Level in the same directory (e.g. FFA_Example)

Follow the steps described in 2. Don't forget to open your new level

Pasted image 20231030172859.png

4.2 Add Atmospherics Sublevel

  1. Open the Levels window if not visible


  2. Drag-And-Drop your Atmospherics level into the list.

  3. Right-Click on the Level and change the Streaming Method to Always Loaded

    Pasted image 20231030223405.png

  4. Double-Click the Persistent Level entry to make it the active level

    Pasted image 20231030223432.png

4.3 Create a floor

  1. Drag-and-Drop a Cube from Place Actors window into your scene

    Pasted image 20231030173708.png

  2. Set Actor Scale values to (\(X=50, Y=50, Z=0.1\)) in the Details window

    (Optional) Apply a Material Instance of your liking (e.g. LS_StoneFloor02)

    Pasted image 20231030173835.png

4.4 World Settings

Open World Settings window if not visible (WindowWorld Settings)

Adjust following Settings:

Setting Description/Value
Map Name, Map Description Visible when the map loads ingame
Attacking Faction FFA
Gamemode Type Free for All
Kill Z -5000 (this ensures that players/bots die when falling off the edge)

Pasted image 20231031010309.png

Make sure current Gamemode is set to Mode_FFA_C:

Pasted image 20231031010110.png

4.5 Initial Spawners

  1. Open your Content Browser and add a BaseSpawner actor to your level

    Pasted image 20231030180447.png

  2. Adjust it’s Row/Column count and spacing in the Details window
    In this example, we’ll use a 4x4 grid with a spacing of 500

    Pasted image 20231030180917.png

    The spawner visualization will reflect changes immediately

    Pasted image 20231030182632.png

  3. In World Settings, assign the Spawner to Attacker Initial Spawn

    Pasted image 20231030182921.png

  4. Save your progress (CRTL+SHIFT+A to save everything)

4.6 Navigation Mesh (Bots)

A Navigation mesh will allow bots to plan their movements in the environment according to their current task.


YT videos explaining UE4 NavMeshes are available in Additional Resources: Navigation

  1. Drag a Nav Mesh Bounds Volume from the Place Actors window into your scene.
  2. Scale and adjust it’s position to cover an area within your floor mesh
    Press P to enable mesh visualization. Orange is your friend


5 Testing your Map

5.1 Add to the list of packaged maps

  1. Right-Click the _Atmospherics map in Contentbrowser
    • Select Copy Reference (this will copy an internal path to clipboard)
  2. Open Project Settings

    1. Type “cook” in the search bar
    2. Add a new entry to List of maps to include in a packaged build
    3. Paste the copied reference and adjust the path. For example:
      • Copied: World'/Game/Mods/FieldGuide/Examples/Maps/Example_Atmospherics.Example_Atmospherics'
      • Target: /Game/Mods/FieldGuide/Examples/Maps/Example_Atmospherics

    Pasted image 20231030183852.png

5.2 Build, Cook, Copy

  1. Build the scene lighting by clicking on Build
    Pasted image 20231030184001.png
  2. Save the map


  3. Cook the map

    FileCook Content for Windows

    This step will create cooked assets under ArgonSDK/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/TBL/Content/<YourFolder>

    Pasted image 20231030184903.png

  4. (Optional) copy the cooked assets to game directory

    1. Navigate to ArgonSDK\Saved\Cooked\WindowsNoEditor\TBL\Content\
    2. Copy the Mods folder to your Game’s Content dir (Chivalry2\TBL\Content)


This step is not required if your cooked Mods directory is symlinked to your game’s content directory

5.3 Testing your map


The Mod Loader GUI automatically detects custom maps in the /Content/Mods directory (also those loaded from a pak file).

  1. Launch the moddable version of the game using Unchained Launcher
  2. Limit the number of bots to 15 (we only have 16 spawn slots)
  3. Select Custom in the gamemode field. Your map should now be visible in the combo box to the left

    Pasted image 20231030211428.png

    After loading into map you should be able to spawn alongside bots.
    Chivalry 2 Screenshot 2023.10.30 -


You and the bots will spawn only once. Implementing Spawn Waves requires additional components and will be explained in next tutorial


Example maps created in this tutorial are available under /Content/Mods/FieldGuide/Examples/Maps

6 P.S.