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Controller Component which allows you to record and replay player inputs.
See [[classUInputReplayComponent|UInputReplayComponent]]

Recorded data is written to a binary file. It can be loaded and played back on an NPC or yourself*
Resulting .input files are written to %LocalAppData%\Chivalry 2\Saved\InputReplay\*.input
The filename can be specified by user.
This component offers other functions, for example stitching input replays together.

What is recorded

  • Mouse movement
  • WASD movement
  • All attacks
  • Crouch
  • Battlecry

What isn’t recorded

  • Emotes


  • By default, bots are locked to a walking state. Make sure you don’t sprint while recording
  • Turning on the spot is a bit tricky. You may need to exaggerate your turns
  • If you try to record by calling InputRec directly on the component , only mouse movement will be recorded.

* by default, mouse movement overrides input replay on yourself

Minimal Example

  1. Use CreateInputReplayComponent to add a new component to your player controller.
  2. Record a .input file using InputRec.
  3. Spawn an NPC using SpawnTBLAIFromClass and make it a dummy bot.
  4. Play the recorded file on the NPC component or on yourself.
